Monday, 20 June 2016

ESP8266 Development environment setup


Pre-requisite Downloads
1.       ESP8266 Compiler + SDK’s
Official website of the project Unofficial Development Kit for Espressif ESP8266
Official source code repo
2.       Java Runtime x86
3.       Eclipse Mars x86
4.       MinGW
Additional Package For MINGW

Instructions for creating environment setup:

1.       Install the “Unofficial Development Kit for Espressif ESP8266” by running the executable “Espressif-ESP8266-DevKit-v2.0.9-x86.exe”(not the latest version).

2.       Installing MinGW      

4.       For creating projects and importing existing projects please refer the videos under the folder “esp8266\Getting Started”.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

ESP8266 ESP12-E Development Board

I'm currently working on ESP8266 Wifi Module. I'm starting with the PCB design. Since its a home made i'm going on with single side pcb. You could google your self on making home made pcbs.
I have made it two boards one as development kind of board and another one is shield sort of board small which sits on the dev board. The purpose of having a shield kind of layout is to have different types of esp8266 modules to be worked on the same board. Currently i'm starting with esp-12e module for the breakup shield. Will keep you updated on the progress...

Below are the images of my board.

Figure 1: Schematic ESP8266 Dev Board
Figure 2: PCB Layout ESP8266 Dev Board

Figure 3: Schematic ESP-12E break out board

Figure 4: PCB Layout of ESP 12E break-out board